holiday season including our favorite Sanrio characters as evidenced by the newest ..."/> holiday season including our favorite Sanrio characters as evidenced by the newest ..."/>


Hello Kitty Pop! Hello Kitty as Ice Cream Cone

Hello Kitty and her friends get even cuter with new Funko release

Rebecca Mills

The zoomies: Why do cats get them?

Cat declawing officially banned in Massachusetts

How long does it take for a cat or kitten to learn its name?

The importance of TNR programs in managing feral cat populations

Calvin Neal

Understanding TNR: Trap-Neuter-Return for Community Cats

Calvin Neal

Restaurant for dogs in La Paz

Is cat food safe for dogs to eat?

Kimberley Spinney

First Lady Jill Biden Offers Her Holiday Message For The Season

First Lady Jill Biden shares a sweet holiday picture of First Cat, Willow

Kimberley Spinney
Weekly Cabinet meeting in London

Are pine needles toxic to cats?

Kimberley Spinney

These were most popular pet names for 2024 and #1 might surprise you

Rebecca Mills
84th Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade

Top 5 Christmas movies for cat lovers

Leah Schullo

Yorkshire County Cat Club Championship Show

How many breeds of cats are there? (And what are some of the better known breeds?)

Kimberley Spinney

Weekly Cabinet meeting in London

Have you heard of the primordial pouch on a cat?

Kimberley Spinney

Yorkshire County Cat Club Championship Show

What does my cat's purr mean?

Kimberley Spinney
Feral cats of the National Presidential Palace in Mexico

Cat Behavior: Why does my cat like to knead things?

Kimberley Spinney
Lost Kitten

How likely is it that black cats will be adopted from shelters?

Kimberley Spinney
GCCF Supreme Show

What should black cat owners be aware of this Halloween?

Kimberley Spinney


5 Myths and superstitions revolving around black cats

Kimberley Spinney

HOCUS POCUS - FreeformÕs spooktacular Ò13 Nights of HalloweenÓ annual programming event brings the chills and thrills October 19 -31 with your favorite Halloween films. (BUENA VISTA PICTURES/ANDREW COOPER)

Thackery Binx is the forgotten kitty hero of Hocus Pocus

Rebecca Mills

Sunnyvale Halloween Pet Parade

Rover share some insights into cat Halloween costumes for 2024

Rebecca Mills
Baby Odie and baby Garfield © 2023 Project G Productions, LLC

What is Garfield's Halloween Adventure? (Can you stream Garfield's Halloween Adventure?)

Rebecca Mills
2024 American Century Championship - Day Two

Jason Kelce pulls the ultimate dad move involving cats

Rebecca Mills
Gold Gala 2024 - Staircase

Los Angeles' first Hello Kitty and Friends Cafe is a dream come true

Rebecca Mills

Jenna Lyons x Fancy Feast Unveil Dinnerware Collaboration

Fancy Feast partnered with Jenna Lyons for an iconic dinnerware collection

Kimberley Spinney

GCCF Chester Cat Show

How does being a senior cat impact your kitty's behavior?

Kimberley Spinney

GCCF Chester Cat Show

What are some behavioral changes in cats that we should pay attention to?

Kimberley Spinney
In this photo illustration a HomeGoods logo is seen on a...

Have you found the Halloween cat mugs from Rae Dunn at TJ Maxx or HomeGoods?

Kimberley Spinney
ExpoPet 2024 in Colombia

How to tell if your cat is getting along with other pets in the house

Kimberley Spinney