Sheila Evans

Sheila Evans

Sheila Evans is a Contributor to Dog O’ Day, and has been since November of 2024. She’s been an animal lover all her life, as she’s been surrounded by dogs and cats since she was a child. Her obsession with pets as a child led her to read many books about the subject, both fictional and nonfiction. As such, she writes about all things dog-related. Although she loves spending time with her two greyhounds, she also loves watching a good campy horror movie or listening to a funny podcast.

Vintage Superman illustration

5 times Krypto the Superdog has appeared in DC comics

Sheila Evans

A red fox with dark coloring, also known as a 'silver fox'

Lead researcher on the Siberian silver fox domestication experiment passes (now what)

Sheila Evans

White poodle running in the snow

5 Dog breeds that hate winter

Sheila Evans

Border Terrier in a grassy field

The Boston Terrier versus the Border Terrier: How are they different?

Sheila Evans