College mascot dogs do group Zoom call to stay informed

College mascot dogs (Photo by Tony Quinn/ISI Photos/Getty Images)
College mascot dogs (Photo by Tony Quinn/ISI Photos/Getty Images) /

College mascot dogs have it rough during quarantine – they can’t do their job very well. So what’s a bored mascot to do? Zoom call!

Quarantine is rough on the college mascot dogs of the NCAA and NAIA – their whole job is to roam around campus spreading cheer and goodwill among the students, faculty and staff.

And when you can’t do that cause you’re cooped up at home all day….that’s frustrating.

So a pawful of college mascot dogs, including the Butler Bulldogs‘ Trip and Blue, the Drake Bulldogs‘ Griff and George, Fresno State’s Victor E. Bulldog and Mississippi State‘s Bully, all got together for a conference call via Zoom with sportscast Adam Amin earlier this week.

Amin is currently at ESPN, mainly doing play-by-play of college basketball and college football games.  He began his broadcasting career doing a lot of minor league baseball radio broadcasts.

Amin posted a clip of the video on his Twitter, which was later reported on by People Magazine.

Being dogs, of course they didn’t comprehend how telephone calls work, and so were mostly oblivious to his questions about how they’re handling the coronavirus pandemic.

Still, it’s entertaining, and helps send a message of group solidarity in continuing to flatten the curve of the coronavirus by staying home as much as possible.

The hockey dogs of Twitter and Instagram also all got together not long ago to send a collaborative “STAY AT HOME” message. This group included Bark-Andre and Deke-Henri Furry, Sir Winston and Sir Oliver Da Doodles, Ovie the Bulldog and Saffy Bean,  plus a few other friends like Rookie the Sens Pup, Smash, Canadian Penny, Rookie the Batdog and Dash.

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At this point, it is totally unclear when it will be safe enough to begin college sports again. But the college mascot dogs will be ready whenever it’s time.