Puppy Bowl and Superman are a marketing match made in heaven

If you're hoping for a look at Krypto, be sure to keep your paws crossed.
DAVID CORENSWET as Superman in “SUPERMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures. © 2024 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved. TM & © DC
DAVID CORENSWET as Superman in “SUPERMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures. © 2024 Warner Bros. Ent. All Rights Reserved. TM & © DC

The Puppy Bowl is one of the cutest sporting events out there and there are very few things to make it better than it already is. Superman might just be the kickstart the event needs.

The news was reported by The Hollywood Reporter and it feels like we're in for a real treat especially when the article shared: "In fact, WBD says that Gunn will appear during The Puppy Bowl with his dog Ozu, who served as the inspiration for the superdog Krypto in the film." I feel like that's the perfect way to get movie lovers excited while also possibly giving them the chance to adopt a new family member.

The article goes on to share that one of the Puppy Bowl players will be given the "Krypto Super Play" award which is no doubt a prestigious title. While many might not see the connection between these two properties, it truly does make sense. People who are passionate and excited about the Superman movie will no doubt be tuning in and it might give them their own push to get a Krypto of their very own.

No matter your feelings on Superman or dogs in general, there is no denying that Krypto is every bit as tied into Superman's lore as any other part. That's not to say Krypto hasn't stood on his own in the past but seeing him on the big screen might be exactly the push comic book fans need to adopt their very own pup.

Superman and the Puppy Bowl couldn't be more genius.

Let's be real, the reason why this collaboration works is the excitement around the upcoming Superman film. Everyone is talking about it and sharing their predictions, hopes, and fears for the film which is normal. James Gunn has talked about the project so many times and even gave his thoughts on Krypto which we've already discussed.

While some might still be scratching their heads at this movie, James Gunn set this into motion as soon as he started talking about Krypto. He even went the extra mile and spoke about his own rescue pup named Ozu. Ultimately, everything comes back around and it all worked out in that funny way things tend to. Gunn was able to channel inspiration from his pup who was having a hard time, adjusting, and thus Krypto was added to the project.

Regardless of how you feel about the addition of Krypto to the film, there is something so utterly fun about how James Gunn's adopting Ozu made such a huge impact on Superman. If anything, that might be just the motivation you need to tune into the Puppy Bowl.