Being a pet parent of any kind can be expensive. Not only are there the costs associated with actually getting your dog (whether from a rescue/shelter or from a breeder), but then we have the actual costs associated with their every day upkeep and their health and well-being. And since our dogs are part of our family, it also means that we spoil them with treats and toys and cozy beds.
All of this to say that being a dog parent can get expensive. And as we head into 2024, a new report from MarketWatch has given us a better idea of just how expensive some puppies really are. Or at the very least how much it costs us to bring one of these dogs home with us.
There are a lot of things that can impact the cost of a puppy. Some dog breeds are generally more expensive than others just based on pedigree or even how rare a breed may be. But another thing that can impact the price of a puppy is how popular that breed is at any given time.
For the last few years, the French Bulldog has been a very popular breed of dog. In fact, the French Bulldog not only won best in show at the National Dog Show in 2022, but it also dethroned the Labrador Retriever as the top dog among pet parents as well. So it probably comes as no surprise that they have made the top 10 list when it comes to expensive puppy breeds. But what other dogs are on the list and where does the French Bulldog fall in the top 10?
Here are the top 10 most expensive puppy breeds for 2024
Going in reverse order, the most expensive puppy breeds and their average cost is as follows:
- 10. The Cane Corso with an average cost of $2500
- 9. Chihuahuas are another expensive breed at $2500
- 8. Brussels Griffon puppies will cost you $2750 on average
- 7. Biewer Terriers are next on the list at $2800 for puppies
- 6. A Tibetan Mastiff puppy could cost you $2841
- 5. The Neapolitan Mastiff rings in at $3000
- 4. A Boerboel will also set you back by $3000
- 3. A Bulldog is another $3000 puppy
- 2. The French Bulldog takes the second spot at $3500
- 1. In the top spot at $3850 we have the Lagotto Romagnolo
Honestly, these puppies are going to cost you a pretty penny and it is not that surprising based on not only demand for their dog breeds, but also in some cases how hard they can be to get. At the same time, it was definitely a bit of a surprise to see the French Bulldog in the second spot on the list as we did expect them to be number one considering their current popularity.
Are you at all surprised by this list of most expensive puppy breeds? Are you familiar with all 10 of these dog breeds?