Are you a fan of Dr. Seuss? Do you enjoy How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Are you a fan of his dog Max? I know we are! But did you know Max his own book?
Written in 2018 by Astrid Holm, I Am Max is the story of How the Grinch Stole Christmas but from the point of view of Max himself. And if you couldn’t tell, this is a Dr. Seuss style book, but obviously not written by the author himself.
Over on Amazon, the book will cost you about $3.99, although the list price is $7.99, and it truly gives us a new look at the classic story. And if you are anything like us, then you already know that we want as much Max content as we can get.
In fact, we are kind of obsessed with the Grinch’s dog and he is why we love the story so much. Max is proof that dog’s are truly the most loyal companions anyone can ever have.
Have you seen the Grinch spin-off, I Am Max?

I will say that this is definitely not a book for older kids or adults because this is written for preschoolers and young children to get the story in a way that is much more child friendly than even the original tale.
Whether you pick this up because of your love of Max and his relationship with the Grinch or because you are a fan of the story itself, we are definitely loving the fact that with I Am Max we get a whole new look at this classic story.
But did you know that there was a story told from Max’s perspective? Will you be giving this story a read or adding it to your own collection? And will I Am Max become a new part of your holiday traditions? We want to know.