Zenith the Hound, known to his Dog Twitter pals at the handle @HoundDogZenith, passed away in early October, and he is dearly missed by his frens, whether anipal or hooman in nature.
He was 17 (roughly 100 in dog years) when he crossed the rainbow bridge, and considering that Twitter was becoming popular around 2009ish (after being founded in 2006). it’s possible that Zenith may have been one of the first dogs to have an account of his own.
“He was the dean of Dog Twitter!” the community’s resident historian, Canadian Penny (@CanadianPenny1), remembered. “Seeing his handsome face every morning – It was part of our routine…”
Many members of the Dog Twitter community immediately made their profile picture a shot of Zenith in his honor, and he was often mentioned as a distinguished doggo, even filming a special art history video for the human girls of Arie Bear.
Zenith the Hound is remembered fondly by his Dog Twitter pals.
Today’s topic: Art History 🖼 🎨
— Lucky and Angel Zenith 🌈 (@HounddogZenith) October 12, 2020
This is an oil painting by Jack Youngquist called The Rock. It was inspired by Alcatraz, the former island prison off of San Francisco. Hope you like my topic @ArieDoodle girls. ❤️#ProfessorZ #dogsoftwitter pic.twitter.com/IwMACkw8Es
Many, many frens recalled his favorite snacks of popcorn, bacon and waffles, and he was well-known for his love of style as well – particularly noted for his stylish black glasses atop his silver snout and his pajamas (AKA jim-jams), also for often using the hood of a hoodie as a popcorn bowl.
“He was kind and loyal and rocked a hoodie like nobody’s business,” Duncan Dog (@TheDuncanDog) said. “He always brightened my day, and my human’s as well.”
“He was always infinitely patient with his mom dressing him up,” Wilma the Snoopervisor (@WilmaBenton) recalled, while noting that he was “always friendly and always positive.”
Puppsy’s (@JacksonTheHuski) remembrance was short and to the point: “Z was a legend. Dat’s it.”
The cats Enzo and Johnny (@CJustineB), who are honorary members of Dog Twitter as anipals, were grateful Zenith was always kind to them: He liked cats, and boy are we glad and blessed he did! He always called us his little buddies.”
Maylee the Rescue Pup (@MayleePup) was a fan of his window-watching skills and his reporting of the neighborhood goings-on. “He made me feel welcome here and was one of my first friends.” Azlan (@Beata_Azlan) particularly enjoyed the stories about the old lady in high heels.
“He basically loved life, even into his old age,” Bambi the Border Collie (@TheJoyofBambi) added, which a steady exercise regimen of treadmill walks helped with.
He is survived by his mom and wife Maggie Maggaroo (@Maggaroo), who is known for her floof-hunting skills. Apollo (@Crowned_Warrior) was the officiant of their wedding.
“He was a superhero to me, he could accomplish anything” Beetle and Bailey (@BeetleBMD) remembered. “He was the first sip of morning coffee, comfort food on a cold and rainy day, the feel-good news story. He let you embrace your age, roll with our idiosyncracies, and he taught us all to remember to smile.”
At the end of the day, isn’t that what all good dogs do? It’s part of why we love them so much.
Many, many more of Zenith the Hound’s friends, both human and canine, shared their remembrances with Dog O’Day, far more than we could include in this tribute, and while we didn’t really know him, his impact has been greatly felt in its absence.