What does owning a Dachshund say about you and your personality?

International dog show in Krakow, Poland
International dog show in Krakow, Poland | Anadolu/GettyImages

Dog breeds are as different as the people who own them. And with hundreds of breeds recognized today, there is a dog breed for every human. But how do you know which one is right for you? That's where doing a little research comes in handy.

Knowing the temperament, habits, and overall demeanor of a dog you're looking to get can ensure you and the new dog have a happy and long life together. And speaking of long (sorry, not sorry), what about the Dachshund? What does it say about you if you're drawn to that breed?

Dachshunds are known for being incredibly mischievous and having an attitude that far outweighs their short stature. They are also known for their long bodies, their big mouths, and bossiness. So, what does that say about us pet parents?

What does being a Dachshund owner say about you?

You want a loyal pet

While Dachshunds can have a mind of their own and be independent, they are also fiercely loyal. My Dachshund is like a shadow some days and will stay by my side no matter what. This is not uncommon for the breed AT ALL. Their shortness will not stop them from protecting their human from whatever danger is nearby, but it also means that they will love you like nothing else. Chances are that if you own a dachshund, loyalty is high on your priority list.

You're playful

Dachshunds are nothing if not playful. From the way they turn their heads when they're curious to their zoomies to their readiness to always grab a toy to fling about, if you love a Dachshund, chances are you share that playful nature as well. And if you are going to be a right fit for a Dachshund in your life, you shouldn't take things too seriously.

You are OK being bossed around

Is a Dachshund at about five feet shorter than you? Yes. Could you pick them up and carry them to where you want them to go? Also, yes. But that doesn't mean they won't be the boss of your life on occasion. Whether it's being pushed to the edge of the bed because they want to spread their long body or barking at you to do what they want, you probably should like to be told what to do by a small and VERY cute fur baby.

You enjoy standing out from the crowd

If you are a parent of a Dachshund, chances are good that you like to stand out in a crowd. While Beagles and Golden Retrievers are incredibly cute, everyone has one. Not everyone has a Dachshund and when they are out and about, their long bodies and long snouts are noticeable to everyone. So, whether you're on vacation, at the dog park, or simply out on a walk, be ready to be noticed when you're with your Dachshund.