Why do cats enjoy sleeping in the sun?

Two experts answer why cats sleep in sunshine
Sleeping cat in Cat Island, Ainoshima Island, Shingu, Japan...
Sleeping cat in Cat Island, Ainoshima Island, Shingu, Japan... | Eric Lafforgue/Art in All of Us/GettyImages

When it comes to being a cat owner, you already know that cats do their own thing. They have no problem doing what they want, when they want to. And that includes their napping situation.

If you have ever noticed your cat napping in a sunny spot or sleeping in the window and wondered why, even in the hottest weather, they prefer sunshine for naptime, then you are not alone. Sometimes we just want to know what our pets are thinking. What makes them do the things that they do?

We had the chance to ask some experts why exactly our cat enjoys sleeping in the sun. And perhaps the answers weren't as surprising as we might have thought.

Why do our cats enjoy sleeping in sunny spots?

First up we have Dr. Gabre Denton, a Pet Trainer and Veterinarian with TeachMe.To, who explained exactly why our cats enjoy the sunny spots for their nap.

"Cats sleep in the sun because they enjoy the warmth and comfort it provides. Sunlit spots are cozy and help them relax. Although they don’t produce vitamin D from sunlight like humans, they instinctively seek out sunlight for its soothing effect. In the wild, basking in the sun also helps maintain body temperature and keeps muscles relaxed."
Dr. Gabre Denton

Honestly, this makes perfect sense. The comfort and warmth of the sun usually makes us feel sleepy, so it makes sense that it does the same thing for our cats.

The other expert who answered our question came from Rover. Dr. Mikel (Maria) Delgado PhD, is a Cat Behavior Expert with Rover. So what did she have to say about our cat snoozing in the sun.

"Cats are most comfortable in temperatures that are a little warmer than humans prefer. So they often seek out warm spots to rest, whether a sun spot or near a heat vent. A great way to give your cats a cozy place to rest is to get them a heated pet bed!"
Dr. Mikel (Maria) Delgado

We love the fact that Dr. Delgado is also suggesting a heated pet bed, as this is not something we would have thought about for our cats. But now it makes perfect sense, especially in the winter when the sun seems to be in short supply.

Are you at all surprised by what the experts had to say in regards to our cats sleeping in sunny spots?