Bruno Mars x Hello Kitty collab for a new collection in Japan

Hello Kitty and Bruno Mars is the collab we didn't know we needed.
"CUTE" Exhibition Private View At Somerset House
"CUTE" Exhibition Private View At Somerset House | Dave Benett/GettyImages

Everyone loves Hello Kitty including Bruno Mars. Wait, that's not how the saying goes but this new collection proves otherwise.

Our favorite feline is collaborating with our favorite "Uptown Funk" singer to give us a fun new collection. The only downside is that the collection is only available in Japan but given how much love it's getting, we can hope for a more global release.

Whether you're a fan of either or both, this Bruno Mars x Hello Kitty collection features some unique items and even has HK and Bruno Mars in matching outfits. There is just something so utterly adorable about that.

While I'm incredibly jealous of those who are able to purchase these items or at least, get to see them in person, I wanted to include a video of some of the items.

See this Hello Kitty x Bruno Mars collection.

I've included the Instagram post above which features a look at some of the items in the collection which is pretty vast. No matter if you're looking for clothing items or accessories, Hello Kitty and Bruno Mars make an appearance on a lot of different items.

One of the coolest is easily the varsity jacket which is green and features the design of the two on the back. There are also towels, cups and t-shirts with the same logo on them. I don't know about you, but I would be ready to hand them my wallet and just want to buy everything they have.

Considering how unique this collaboration is, I don't think we'll see anything similar in the US unless this collection is eventually released here. Either way, it proves just how beloved Hello Kitty is and gives us an idea of some of the collections in Japan. That doesn't help me from feeling a little jealous though.

What do you think of this new collection featuring Hello Kitty x Bruno Mars? Be sure to let us know your thoughts!