The U.S. deserves a Hello Kitty meal too, McDonald's!

After announcing a Hello Kitty meal in Indonesia, the US needs an HK meal, too.
Brand Licensing Europe
Brand Licensing Europe | John Keeble/GettyImages

McDonald's is one of those fast-food chains that has preceded its name. Everyone has an opinion on them and each year, the brand keeps getting bigger and bigger.

If there's one thing the chain does, it's known to create a gimmick. For Hello Kitty's 50th anniversary, McDonald's in Indonesia created a Hello Kitty meal. Featuring a burger, curly fries, and even, a Hello Kitty-themed drink, it's incredibly cute.

After that, I was honestly seething with jealously as I'm someone who loves Hello Kitty and basically everything Sanrio. Most notably, I feel like Hello Kitty doesn't get nearly as much love as she does in other places.

Due to that, I feel like it's time for the US to put its hat in the ring and finally create a Hello Kitty-themed meal for its 50th anniversary in 2024.

The US should introduce a Hello Kitty meal at McDonald's!

While I don't think it should be the exact meal featured at McDonald's Indonesia, I do feel like the US could mix it up a bit. They could really lean into things as they did with the Grimace Meal. While they don't have to completely reinvent the wheel, it would be nice to see something small implemented.

As for the entree, I don't think McDonald's should mess with what they have going on. They either offer a chicken-nugget meal or a burger meal such as a quarter pounder or Big Mac. Then as always, keep the fries because duh, who doesn't like fries? The only thing that could change would either be adding a new dipping sauce or a drink in honor of Hello Kitty.

Given how hard it can be to get a dipping sauce, a milkshake seems like a much better option. The chain could go with a preexisting flavor such as the Goldfish x Hello Kitty Strawberry Shortcake crackers or they could go with a confetti one which would be just vanilla with some sprinkles but it is Hello Kitty's anniversary after all.

Sadly, I don't think McDonald's will heed my suggestions but I wanted to put it out into the universe if the chain decides to. Plus Hello Kitty is celebrating 50 years and she deserves her own meal.