Does Scrappy-Doo need a modern makeover?

If we want more Scrappy-Doo in our lives, it may mean giving him a refresh
Scooby-Doo! | You're Dealing With Scrappy-Doo now!
Scooby-Doo! | You're Dealing With Scrappy-Doo now! | WB Kids

If you are a longtime fan of Scooby-Doo and his friends, then you likely know exactly who Scrappy-Doo is. After all, Scrappy-Doo is Scooby's nephew. He is a puppy with a bold personality and an eagerness to get down and dirty.

The problem with Scrappy-Doo is that his personality can be a bit overpowering when he is at his uncle's side. That is because Scooby-Doo is definitely less of a fighter and more of a let me eat my sandwich in peace type of dog. While Scooby might head out with the Mystery Inc. gang to solve mysteries, he is still more of a cowardly pup than his young nephew.

Plus, at one point in the cannon of the franchise, Fred actually dislikes Scrappy so much that they kick him out of the group and refuse to even talk about him again. So there is no denying that the Scooby-Doo franchise has a Scrappy-Doo problem.

But does this mean that Scrappy-Doo needs to get a modern makeover?

If we want more Scrappy-Doo on our screens, then he needs to get a character makeover

We are currently in a bit of a dry spell when it comes to fresh Scooby-Doo content. So while we wait for new shows, movies, or even merchandise drops, we can't help but look at some of the characters that we rarely see in order to figure out how we can give them new life.

Scrappy-Doo could be a brilliant addition to a modern TV series if you want to see Scooby playing off of his more adventurous nephew. The thing is that they might need to temper Scrappy's more boisterous personality traits.

Considering Scrappy-Doo has been a very popular character in the past, it would be nice to find a way to reintroduce him to a new audience of viewers. Perhaps his over-the-top personality could better harmonize with the group or maybe the writers (whoever they may be) could tame some of his more brash attributes. That being said, I would love to see Scrappy keep some of that over the top braveness, while maybe dialing back on the villainy.

There have been times over the years when Scrappy has been the villain, or at least not so nice, and we don't want that. We want Scrappy-Doo to be more of a partner for Scooby-Doo in terms of being a canine companion. Maybe it is me, but I don't want to see Scooby having to fight with his nephew. I want them to be getting along, even when there are personality clashes.

We need more Scrappy-Doo content, and if that means giving him a makeover for modern viewers, then I am here for that. Now we just need someone to decide to take a chance on bringing Scrappy back into the Mystery Inc. fold. I bet Scooby wouldn't mind a bit of family time.