Designs on You is an adorable romance with a puppy sidekick

Designs on You is a low-stakes story with an adorable puppy.
Designs on You by Jaci Burton.
Designs on You by Jaci Burton.

There are some books you read that just feel like a warm hug and that’s exactly how I feel about Jaci Burton’s books. Last year, she released Housebroke and now, we’re getting Designs on You

While these two books are standalone, they’re set in the same world and follow characters who are related. If you read Housebroke, you’ll remember Hazel’s sister: Natalie who is the main character in this book. We also get to know Eugene who is Lincoln’s younger brother. 

As with most standalone series, you don’t have to read Housebroke before picking up Designs on You but it’s best you do. You’ll learn more about these characters and see why Hazel and Lincoln keep popping up. Plus these books need more love so why not?

I’d like to thank Berkley for sending me an ARC of Designs on You so I was able to read and review it for all of you. 

Designs on You is a low-stakes romance with a fun doggie sidekick. 

While Housebroke follows Hazel and the dogs she fosters, this book is about Natalie and her journey as a single mother. She’s recently divorced and trying to get back out there while taking care of her kids. Simply put, she’s not having an easy time yet things get a little bit easier once Eugene comes into her life. 

At first, she doesn’t want to take him seriously as he’s a video game designer and he acts like a big kid. Eugene is able to wear her down and the two end up becoming friends before eventually dating and deciding to sleep together. The two even go on trips together and Natalie introduces him to her kids which is just so adorable.

Ultimately, this book is mostly about Natalie and Eugene growing and becoming better people thus making them better partners for each other. Seeing the way these two complimented each other was just delightful. While I enjoyed Housebroke, I feel like Designs on You was just slightly better. 

The only complaint I have is the lack of dogs. While Housebroke had all of the dogs, Natalie did adopt a dog with her kids but the pup doesn’t get nearly as much page time. It felt like a tease as Grizelda was on the cover. While she was featured in the book, I was hoping for more puppy love on the page. Either way, this was such a fun and low-stakes romance so it’s perfect if you’re looking for a light and fun read near the holiday season. 

Designs on You by Jaci Burton is out now where books are sold.