When it comes to living in a house versus living in an apartment, there are so many different rules and regulations when it comes to adopting a dog, whether it be size, breed, shedding abilities, etc. Whatever the case may be, if you currently live in apartment, or will be in the near future, we are going to dive into the best possible dog breeds that will work the best for you.
In no particular order, here are the top 7 dog breeds for living in an apartment:
What are the best adoptable dog breeds for living in an apartment?

7. Bolognese
Average Size/Average Weight: 5.5 – 8.8 lbs.
First of all, I cannot get over the fact that there is a dog breed out there that is named after meat sauce. While some have said that house-training this particular dog breed, they all say that in the end, it’s all worth it because these little buddies are the most perfect and loyal companion. Bologneses are a variety of the Bichon breed and they originate in the Italian town of Bologna.

6. Bedlington Terrier
Average Size/Average Weight: 17 – 23 lbs.
This breed is probably the most unique-looking dog breed that I’ve ever come across, in the best way possible; it almost has a sheep-like look to it with a whole bunch of fur being in the middle of their face. Bedlingtons are easily sociable with other dogs and require a moderate amount of exercise, so be sure to find an apartment complex with some good parks or walking areas near by.

5. Biewer Terrier
Average Size/Average Weight: 4 – 8 lbs.
To me, this particular dog breed looks like some sort of cross between a Yorkie and a Chihuahua; however, given that it originated in Germany, I highly doubt that it has anything to do with either one of them. These dogs are elegant, long-haired, and only live to serve out their one true purpose in life: to love on their owners and be the greatest companions that anyone could ever ask for.

4. Corgi
Average Size/Average Weight: 22 – 29 lbs.
Corgis have the cutest, shortest legs, and we just simply cannot get enough of them. While Corgis can be known to be good watch-dogs, they do it with a super non-threatening smile on their face, and who could possibly resist that? They are perfect for apartments because they are loud when they need to be and will stop at absolutely nothing to protect their living quarters and owners.

3. Cairn Terrier
Average Size/Average Weight: 13 – 18 lbs.
If I’m not mistaken, the Cairn Terrier is the actual dog breed of the original Toto from The Wizard of Oz, and boy was he cute! This particular dog breed is not only super sensible but also very loving and social with their families. This super cute quick-to-learn dog breed is ready to take the lead whenever needed to and will always be an independent, alert companion for just about anyone!

2. Basset Hound
Average Size/Average Weight: 44 – 75 lbs.
This list just simply couldn’t be done without adding the ever-so-calm and loving Basset Hound to it. I personally think that this picture in particular says it all about a Basset Hound; they are super laid back and have that “don’t give an F” sort of energy that, let’s be honest, we all have from time-to-time. Bassets are not only laid back, but they are also kid-friendly as well!

1. Cavachon
Average Size/Average Weight: 15 – 35 lbs.
I’m personally biased to this particular dog breed as I owned one; he was the best and most sweetest boy ever, so I just couldn’t help but spread the word over this little super cutie over here. Cavachons are a mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Bichon Frises, making them not only super laid back and low-maintenance, but also dogs that hardly to never shed throughout their lives. This dog will sit on your lap, dry your tears, play fiercely, and love even harder!!
That’s a wrap on our analysis of The Top 7 Dog Breeds to consider adopting if you live in an apartment! What were your thoughts? Did we miss any breed anywhere? Let’s chat down below in the comments, and as always…….Woof, Woof!