Alejandra Ramos chats about her rescue pup JoJo during Guilty Eats interview

The Great American Recipe. Courtesy of PBS/VPM
The Great American Recipe. Courtesy of PBS/VPM /

Editor’s Note: Over on our sister site, Guilty Eats, Alejandra Ramos did an interview about her hosting duties for The Great American Recipe on PBS. And at the time, I got the chance to ask all about her adorable pup, JoJo.

When it comes to chatting with celebrities and media personalities, we are all about the pets! And that’s what happened with Alejandra Ramos during a recent interview for Guilty Eats. We turned the conversation away from food and to The Great American Recipe host’s rescue pup.

And if you are a fan of Ramos, then you already know that she has a Shihpoo pup named JoJo. JoJo was rescued from the New Jersey based Wise Animal Rescue. So we needed to know all about her pup (and apparently his antics).

This lead to an epic conversation that included some fun little stories about everything from what Jojo eats to how to distract the pup during meetings and calls.

What we learned about Alejandra Ramos’ rescue pup during an all-inclusive interview for Guilty Eats

So how did we switch the conversation from food and The Great American Recipe? With this line: “I actually write for another site called Dog O’Day and I have to ask you all about your dog.” (It’s rather effective really.)

And it was an amazing chat from there, with Alejandra Ramos telling us all about JoJo and his eating habits.

"I will talk to you all day long about my dog. He’s actually on the floor napping next to me.So my dog’s name is JoJo. He’s a rescue dog that we got from a rescue called Wise Animal Rescue. And he’s half Shih Tzu, half Poodle, so he’s a Shihpoo but I don’t really like saying that name. I think it’s a weird breed name. He’s so great because he has like the long hair of a Shih Tzu but it’s curly, like a Poodle. He just has these beautiful lush curls. But he’s like a little bit grumpy and he grumbles. Grumbling is his main form of communication. He’s cute. It’s like having my own little Star Wars creature in my house.He loves food. So whenever I’m cooking he kind of stands at the entrance to the kitchen and sort of sniffs the air. Like if I’m doing something and I’m like, yeah, yeah, we’ll have a snack for you soon, don’t you worry. He also gets a tiny bit of prosciutto everyday because that’s how we give him his medication. So yeah, he’s like, a little fancy dog. I tried to just do regular non-prosciutto ham and he spit it out. He’s a bougie dog."

Of course, once we learned that even JoJo is a foodie like his human mama, we had to know if he got special meals too. This meant asking if she ever made him his own little meals. (Here is also where we learned a bit more about how to distract the pup during meetings too.)

"He eats dog food, but he does get some people food treats all the time. And sometimes he can occasionally be a little bit picky and so I’ll sometimes sprinkle a little bit of parmesan cheese on top of his dry kibble. So he gets excited about that. And yeah, he’s a fun guy.One funny thing that he does… he doesn’t like bread and he won’t eat bread or crackers. Any kind of baked goods he won’t eat them, but he loves to bury them. So sometimes, if I’m on a conference call and he’s barking too much and I need him to go away, I just give him a piece of bread and he’ll just wander off to find a place to bury it. And that’ll buy me like half an hour. We always find like little pieces of bagel or crackers in like corners of our house and we’re like, ‘Oh, JoJo we found your buried treasure.’"

Honestly, we loved everything about this chat with Alejandra Ramos. And we loved learning more about her rescue pup.

We truly appreciate when people want to stop and talk about their pets with us, which is exactly what happened with Ramos during our Guilty Eats interview. It was a great chat and a great way to end a fun interview.

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