Have you heard of the Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar?

Travel safer w/ your pup: Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar [GPS & Geofence]. Image courtesy of Wagz
Travel safer w/ your pup: Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar [GPS & Geofence]. Image courtesy of Wagz

When it comes to dog collars, there are so many on the market, but did you know that there is a smart dog collar out there thanks to the brand Wagz?

With more and more people heading back into the world to travel, our pups are being brought along for the adventure. And with our dogs joining us on the road, it is more important than ever that we are prepared for any eventuality (including them wandering off to explore without you).

Because of the possibility of our dogs wandering off or getting scared and running off, we are always looking for tools that make it easier to travel without worrying about losing our pups. So that is where the Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar comes into the picture.

The Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar makes traveling with our dogs safer

Travel safer w/ your pup: Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar [GPS & Geofence]. Image courtesy of Wagz

Considering the importance of chipping our dog and also making sure that they have

a collar

with tags, the idea of a smart collar sounds fascinating and smart. Because if it is anything like a smart phone or a smart watch, this smart collar will offer any number of vital functions for tracking our pups.

Unlike a normal dog collar, this smart collar from Wagz offers us a number of amazing features and even an app to keep track of things. So what all does this smart collar offer?

"GPS Location Tracking: Know your dog’s location within 10 feet. Peace of mind on the map.Customizable Geofences: Create and save various customized geofences and “Keep Out Zones” when traveling to define where your dog can and can’t go.Safety light: Even if you’re making a quick stop, be prepared in case you are caught out past sundown. The Wagz Freedom Collar has a built-in safety light and comes with two removable batteries, so you effectively have a spare to pack with you.Monitor temperature: Ambient temperature sensors enable you to tell if it’s dangerously hot or cold for your pooch to be safely outside.Fitness mapping: Smart system tracks the route, distance, and duration of hikes, walks, and runs to keep tabs on your dog’s fitness goals. (*You must be within the United States with decent cellular coverage to use the collar*)Health & Happiness Score: Uses sleep time, exercise, and breed to help you monitor your pup and be proactive about adjusting care. View stats on the Wagz App"
Travel safer w/ your pup: Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar [GPS & Geofence]. Image courtesy of Wagz

And yes, there is an app that goes on your phone in order to keep track of all of these things. Perhaps the only downside might just be the fact that on top of paying $299.99 for the actual collar, you will have to pay a subscription fee for the app as well. However, considering all of the things that this collar offers, we are not mad at the price of this at all.

In fact, if you consider the smart collar an additional device in your life like your cellphone, smart watch, or even a tablet, then the cost probably won’t even phase you beyond the fact that it is an additional monthly fee (unless you pay for an entire year in advance).

Basically, we think this is a great investment for our dogs and one we are totally here for.

But we want to know what you think of the Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar. Had you heard about this collar before? Would you pick one of these up for your pup?