BarkBox faced an epic squirrel takeover after the company dropped Anti Squirrel Squirrel Club Sweatshirts

BARK Anti Squirrel Squirrel Club. Image courtesy BarkBox
BARK Anti Squirrel Squirrel Club. Image courtesy BarkBox /

In honor of the squirrels taking over the BarkBox social media accounts in previous years (it has become an annual event over here), or what they are calling National Squirrel Appreciation Day, a new sweatshirt was released by BARK. The sweatshirt was specifically designed as an Anti Squirrel Squirrel Club piece to commemorate the occasion, except things went a little off the rails.

Following the sweatshirt’s release, the squirrels seemed to take issue with the entire situation and just in time for the anniversary of their last takeover, they once again decided to crash the BARK and BarkBox social media accounts.

While the BarkBox team was certainly having a bit of fun at the expense of the squirrels, things went south quickly. And it is clear that the sweatshirt set the squirrels off on a rampage.

(Of course, we think the sweatshirts are everything and every dog we know would want one of their own!)

BarkBox deals with another squirrel takeover after their anti squirrel sweatshirt releases

According to a press email we received on behalf of BarkBox,

"Friday was National Squirrel Appreciation Day (1/21), and squirrels “hacked” BarkBox’s social channels in retaliation for the new Anti Squirrel Squirrel Club sweatshirts BARK released and promoted last week. The social media takeover included threatening language, savage comments, an excess number of squirrel and nuts photos, video footage of burning BarkBoxes and even a manifesto on the @barkboxsucks Instagram."

That’s right fellow dog lovers and BarkBox fans, the squirrels created an Instagram account to share their anti-BarkBox manifesto. It’s almost like the squirrels took offense to the sweatshirt. Then again, that is exactly what happened, and who could blame them.

We can’t help but understand why the squirrels were offended by a sweatshirt proclaiming any dog wearing the look is part of the Anti Squirrel Squirrel Club. But at the same time, the squirrels have had plenty to say against dogs over the last few years during their takeovers.

But we want to know what you think of this entire situation. Do you think the squirrels deserve to be upset? Is the squirrel reaction over the top or just right?

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