What are the most popular dog names of 2021 for male dogs?
Several new names made their way onto this list, while Leo and Oliver fell out of the top 10 for most popular dog names of 2021 after ranking No. 7 and No. 6 last year, respectively.
Unless otherwise noted, all name origins and meanings come from Bruce Lansky’s 1998 book The Very Best Baby Name Book in the Whole Wide World.
No. 10 – Jack
2020 rank – No. 10
Jack is a nickname for John, which is a Hebrew name meaning “God is gracious.”
It’s a name for action heroes, like author Jack London, Tom Clancy’s Jack Reacher, and Speed‘s Jack Traven, and conjures images of bravery and courage.
No. 9 – Tucker
2020 rank – Outside Top 10
Tucker is an English name meaning “fuller,” a now-obsolete job that was part of the cloth-making process. (More specifically, filtering out the dirt and grime from the wool.)
One of the bigger stars in the Dog Twitter world is Tucker Dude, well known for his Flat Tucker cardboard cutouts that travel around the US and Canada.
No. 8 – Duke
2020 rank – Outside Top 10
The nickname of actor John Wayne and name of a university in Durham, North Carolina, a duke is part of the British monarchy system.
Duke’s most recent appearance on this list was the 2019 No. 9, and brings to mind from the movies. .
No. 7 – Rocky
2020 rank – No. 9
Rocky is an American form of the Italian Rocco, which means, logically enough, “Rock.” It could often be applied to big guard dogs.
In pop culture, fictional boxer Rocky Balboa, actual boxer Rocky Marciano, and the animated squirrel of Rocky and Bullwinkle all have this name.
No. 6 – Bear
2020 rank – No. 8
Some large dogs look like bears if you don’t look closely enough, thus the self-explanatory name.
No. 5 – Milo
2020 rank – No. 6
Milo is German as an alternate form of “Miles,” which in German means “merciful,” in Latin “solider,” which is an interesting juxtaposition.
No. 4 – Buddy
2020 rank – No. 4
A Buddy is slang for friend, which is perfect for a dog’s name, even if it is extremely generic.
The canine hero of the Air Bud movie series is the most famous dog with this name, and actors Buddy Ebsen (The Beverly Hillbillies) and Buddy Hackett (The Love Bug) are probably the most famous humans with the name.
No. 3 – Cooper
2020 rank – No. 3
Cooper comes from the near-extinct profession of barrel-making. LA Rams wide receiver Cooper Kupp is probably the most famous human right now who has this name.
No. 2 – Charlie
2020 rank – No. 2
Charlie is a nickname of Charles, which is “strong and manly” in German and “farmer” in English, either of which seem to work well for a canine.
In humans, it brings to mind silent film star Charlie Chaplin, Charlie Duncan of Good Luck Charlie.
No. 1 – Max
2020 rank – No. 1
Max is a short form of the Latin Maximilan or English Maxwell, which mean “greatest” and “great spring,” respectively.
The Secret Life of Pets character voiced by Louis CK and Patton Oswalt has this name, and so does the Grinch’s dog. Animator Max Fleischer, boxer Max Bauer and pastor Max Lucado are probably the most famous humans named Max.
So, there you have the most popular dog names of 2021 – is your dog’s name included?