In the 10th episode of Titans Season 3, we find our team of superheroes in more trouble than ever before. Gotham has turned against them, and wanted posters have been spread across the city, with even Krypto being a target of the rage and anger of the city.
And perhaps it is me, but the scene where the girl can be scene using spray paint to cross out the word “alive” on the “wanted: dead or alive” posters feature Krypto‘s face might just be the most disturbing of all. We already knew that the team was in trouble when Crane sent out his broadcast painting the Titans as the real villains of Gotham, all while the water was leaving people in a state of anger and paranoia. But the fact that even the team dog is in danger of being killed is a step too far.
Ever since they announced that SuperBoy and Krypto the SuperDog would be joining the Titans, we have been eagerly watching every episode to catch even the smallest sighting or even mention of this heroic pup. And at times, it has felt like the team and the show have let this dog down in terms of giving him the respect he deserves as a fellow member of the team and a superhero.
However, in “Troubled Waters,” to see the city of Gotham turn against not just the Titans, but specifically Krypto felt all types of wrong and downright devastating.
The Titans are dealing with a true fall from grace in the tenth episode of Season 3

What Jason has done to his former team, is devastating to say the least. He may never have felt like he was one of the Titans, but in a lot of ways, he was definitely one of them. And the fact that these were once his friends and this was once his home, makes his betrayal that much worse.
But, at the same time, the environment that the Titans have created around themselves is as much to blame for this situation as anything else. They are supposed to be a team and yet, at times it just feels like heroes living in what amounts to a frat house. And the fact that Krypto is often forgotten (or at least ignored) within the storylines doesn’t help that feeling.
And yet, the fact that Jason fell for Crane and his agenda just proves that this isn’t a team the way it needs to be. If anything happens to Krypto or any other member of the Titans, this is all on Jason and his “redemption arc” will never truly work the way we hoped it might.
New episodes of Titans drop on HBO Max on Thursdays. Will you be watching?