Does everyone remember when Captain Owen Strand adopted Buttercup, a Bernese Mountain Dog, on 9-1-1: Lone Star? It was a touch of cute (and emotion since the pup has the same lung cancer as Owen) in the series that is otherwise a bit more serious. And yet, in Season 2, the adorable pup has been mostly absent from the scene.
Considering a Bernese Mountain Dog is not a small breed, if Buttercup was hanging out at the firehouse, we would definitely have seen him. And yet, 9-1-1: Lone Star has definitely been keeping their resident pup on the sidelines.
However, in the winter finale on March 8, we finally got a glimpse of the pup and all it did was whet our appetite for more. At least in the first season of Lone Star, we got to see Buttercup get into a bit of trouble and even act as a comfort to the team. But in Season 2 when you would think the pup was needed most (they did lose a member of the team), he has been mostly absent.
In fact, I think maybe we caught another glimpse of him earlier in the season, but you definitely can’t quote me on that. Instead, we finally got another glimpse of the pup while T.K. was celebrating his sobriety and all of the good (and even the bad) of the past year.
Where has Buttercup been hiding on 9-1-1: Lone Star?
The question I have is where are they hiding Buttercup and why has he been relegated to blink and you miss him moments? Obviously the focus tends to be more on the team and their calls, but we have been getting plenty of in-house moments as well, so why not give us more pup?
Maybe it’s me, but I want to see more of Buttercup on my screen. Not only is he the mascot of the firehouse, but he can also be a comfort to the team. And since Owen adopted the pup because of their medical connection, it would be nice to see these two together again.
Obviously, 9-1-1: Lone Star is now on their winter hiatus, but hopefully once the series returns on April 19 we will get to see a bit more of this pup. After all, one of the reasons we enjoyed the first season was the arrival of the adorable pup who became a mascot of sorts for the team.
Have you been missing Buttercup on 9-1-1: Lone Star? Did you see the pup’s cameo appearance in the winter finale? Tell us in the comments below.