The upcoming card game Good Puppers sounds like it will be a blast.
The upcoming card game Good Puppers sounds like an amazing game to play, and not just cause it stars doggos and really cool pet art, either (though those are both good things).
Made by a small Massachusetts company called Asmadi Games, it will release sometime this summer after successfully meeting its initial fundraising goal through a Kickstarter campaign. As of this writing, $16,072 has been raised, well past the $10,000 goal.
The game was originally supposed to be called All the Goodest Puppers, but that was deemed too wordy, so it was shortened to simply Good Puppers.
As everyone who knows the Dog Twitter internet dialect/slang Doggo Lingo knows, all dogs can be puppers, even if they’re grown, and all puppers are good boys and girls.
Dog O’Day got to chat with the creative development team (Chris Cieslik and artists Cari Corene and Amanda Coronado) behind the game via an email interview earlier this week.
Dog O’Day – What are some of the company’s most popular or well-known titles?
Chris Cieslik – We’re a small tabletop games studio in the Boston area, most well-known for titles such as One Deck Dungeon, We Didn’t Playtest This at All, Red7, and Innovation. We’ve been around for over a decade, and our goal is to make fun games that’re enjoyable many times.
Is “Asmadi” a name, or from a foreign language, what does it mean?
It started out as a Dungeons and Dragons character surname, it doesn’t have any particular meaning but it was inspired by the mythical name Asmodeus. I picked it because it sounded cool 🙂 Eventually I started using it for business things, and for the name of the company.