The countdown continues through the canine-adjacent Super Bowl 54 commercials.
No. 4 – Reese’s Take5 candy bar
Take5 isn’t a candy bar for everyone; there’s A LOT going on – pretzels, peanuts, peanut butter, caramel and milk chocolate. At some point since its release in 2004 it was absorbed as a sub-brand of Reese’s, which is kind of a shame.
Anyway, this ad was set in an office and used a type of humor straight from Ameila Bedelia. The lady’s coworkers literally embody a variety of familiar cliches, from living under a rock to being raised by wolves to cluelessly watering a keyboard.
It doesn’t really have much at all to do with dogs, but it was clever wordplay and a creative concept.
No. 3 – Google
This commercial, called “Loretta,” which aired just before halftime, is possibly one of the saddest Super Bowl ads ever. An elderly widower is talking with his phone, reminding Cortana to remind him of all the wonderful things about Loretta and their life together, so she can keep him from forgetting Loretta’s memory.
There was something about the ad that was a bit alarming, seeing all the photos of them throughout the years had been saved digitally, but on the other hand, it was a sweet reminder of how technology can be used for good.
At the very end of the spot, the man reveals that one of Loretta’s wishes for him was to continue living his life and “get out of the dang house,” which seems to have been accomplished, at least partially though the presence of a very good dog who is about to go for his daily walk.