2018 rank – No. 6
2017 rank – No. 6
If they aren’t at the top of the list, Beagles are in the very highest echelon of breeds among Wesley’s rankings, and he thinks that No. 6 is far too low. Beagles are smallish medium-sized hounds who will eat anything and scare off intruders with their enormous deep scary barks while simultaneously melting everyone with their adorability and soulful eyes.
There are many amazing Beagles on Dog Twitter, including Buddy Mercury, Beagle Facts and the Triangle Beagle Rescue, which recently hosted our favorite wedding ever.
They also star in many books, including Phyllis Reynolds Naylor’s Shiloh (which we reviewed here).
2018 rank – No. 5
2017 rank – No. 5
Originally bred as part of the dark side of Victorian England, Bulldogs are friendly and a little lazy, and they can kind of drool a lot. But their naturally frowny faces hide a good-tempered soul underneath.
Bulldogs are also some of the most popular mascots for college and high school sports teams, as many of our friends among the dogs of Twitter can testify.