NBC’s The Village introduces us to more than just fascinating characters, there is also a retired Military dog

THE VILLAGE -- "Pilot" Episode 101 -- Pictured: (l-r) Warren Christie as Nick Porter -- (Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC)
THE VILLAGE -- "Pilot" Episode 101 -- Pictured: (l-r) Warren Christie as Nick Porter -- (Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC) /

The Village has arrived on NBC, and with it a fascinating cast of characters that includes a retired Military working dog.

Have you ever tuned in to a show because you knew there would be a dog? That is what happened last night for me when I saw the preview for The Village. Watching a preview for the show I saw a series that seemed interesting, but when it also showed a brief glimpse at a dog, I was willing to tune in and see what the series was all about.

And I am so glad I did tune in. Not only is the story heartwarming and unique in many ways, but the dog did end up stealing my heart. This is no ordinary dog that The Village introduced us to. This particular pup is a hero.

Over the course of the episode, we meet a number of characters, with combat veteran Nick (played by Warren Christie), being one of the first. After finishing up his time at a military hospital, Nick heads to an apartment building called The Village. Throughout the show, we meet the different residents who will be a part of Nick’s new life, but the one we are waiting to see doesn’t show up until almost the end of the episode.

During a monthly gathering of the building’s residents on the roof, Nick gets a text that he has a delivery and finally we get what we have been waiting for, the introduction of Jedi. Jedi is the bomb sniffing dog that Nick worked alongside while on active duty. And after months of separation, these two are being reunited because Jedi has been officially decommissioned.

Nick and Jedi have been reunited, and their reunion is one that was easily one of the more emotional moments of the episode. Both Nick and Jedi have suffered and lost. With both of them missing a leg following their service together, they have a connection that is hard to miss.

What makes all of this so special and worthy of mentioning is the fact that we rarely see these types of storylines on TV. Dogs on television is nothing new, but based on what I saw while watching The Village last night, it seems like the series has every intention of giving some of the story line to Jedi and Nick, which means we are going to be learning more about Military working dogs (MWDs) and their lives.

On a personal level, my hope is that the series shines a new light on MWDs and the sacrifices they make as well. Considering even TVLine included Jedi in their run down alongside Nick, one would think that the dog would play an important role in the story. Not only will we want to see how these two interact with each other, but also how they help each other.

At one point during the episode, Nick is startled by a light bulb breaking, and it is clear that his nerves might get the best of him at times. Perhaps with Jedi at his side, it will be a lot like having a service dog. It is also possible that this is exactly the kind of role Jedi needs for himself. After all, after their reunion, we see Nick laying in bed when Jedi jumps up and lays over his body, as if offering comfort.

The Village had a lot to offer viewers looking for something heartwarming and emotional, but I think the storyline I am most looking forward to exploring will end up being Jedi and Nick’s. After all, we are a dog loving website, and that means we are all about the dogs anyway.

light. Related Story. Instagram artist showing world retired military dogs are adoptable too

Did you watch The Village? What did you think of this pilot episode? What were your thoughts on Nick and Jedi? Are you excited to possibly learn more about MWDs thanks to the series? Tell us what you thought in the comments.