A superhero staple since 1955, Krypto has been Superman's faithful canine companion for decades. But even all these years after he first appeared in the comics, we're still not quite sure what breed the pup is supposed to portray. Krypto is depicted as white with ears that are most commonly pointed, but can be floppy. He is fairly large, and probably belongs to a larger breed. Otherwise, we don't know much about the cloaked canine's breed.
We've taken a closer look at some of Krypto's powers and super-dog abilities, and researched other breeds that have some of the same characteristics (though we couldn't find one that could fly). Here are 5 of our best guesses as to what breed Krypto could be.
What dog breeds could Krypto be?
1. German Shepherd

Right away, this might seem like a strange pick. Krypto's coat is white in the comics and most depictions; how could he be a German shepherd? It's true that purebred German shepherds do not tend to have white coats. However, when bred with other types of dogs, a pup with a white coat can make an appearance. German shepherds also have incredible hearing, which makes them excellent for their law-enforcement jobs as K-9s--and as Superman's right-hand pup! They're also super protective of their packs, just like Krypto faithfully guards his own family.
2. Siberian Husky

Huskies are among the strongest dog breeds in history. These brawny barkers were bred for pulling sleds through snow and ice. This breed of pups are equipped with the strength of hauling heavy weights through thick and thin, reminding us of a certain super-dog with super-strength.
Krypto the super-dog is known for his unbeatable strength, razor-sharp vision, and incredible hearing.
3. Dalmatian

Dalmatians are known for their impressive speed, and this makes sense based on their roots. Like Krypto, they have always been fiercely protective of their homes, having been bred to guard the borders of their native Dalmatia. This meant that they had to be very alert and have the ability to chase down any potential threat, even speeding up to 37 miles per hour to do so! The source of Krypto's super-speed could certainly be a dalmatian--with faded spots, of course.
4. Australian Cattle Dog

A key trait of Krypto is his invulnerability and ability to heal himself. He's got to be healthy to fight the villains and protect the world! This makes the Australian cattle dog a contender to claim Krypto as their own. Australian cattle dogs are among the healthiest dog breeds ever. They don't have many inherent breed-related health issues at all, and their stamina is something to be admired. Just like Krypto, they have important jobs to do, and they are built to ensure that they are always in tip-top shape to succeed!
5. Labrador Retriever

It wasn't easy to find a dog that had x-ray vision, but we found a close match! Labrador retrievers are among the most common breed of dogs used to be the eyes of those without vision as guide dogs. Sought after for their intelligence, loyalty, and sharp senses, we can absolutely see Krypto being a Labrador retriever.