After not getting any Betty moments in episode 8 of Will Trent, this episode really delivered on our weekly Betty watch. We started with Will taking Betty to the park where a case essentially fell into his lap. In fact, part of the case was built on an interaction between a child and Betty.
As the episode starts, Will notices a child with an older man. And he doesn’t really think anything of it, but as he looks back at Betty, who is tied to a bench as he walks into the bathroom, he notices two things. First, the adult pulls that child away from petting Betty and then that child looks back at him. And while that may not seem suspicious, what is suspicious is the puffy jacket in the garbage can of the bathroom. And as he comes out of the bathroom, he find something else. Will spots some clothing that that man had left behind.
That being said, there was a fascinating moment in this Will Trent episode when it almost felt like Will left Betty behind in pursuit of his case, as he spots the man in question, but without the child. Of course, that’s not what happened. And as the episode went deeper, we realize that Betty did make it back to work with Will. And she even had her own special bed on his desk. This episode gave us multiple Betty moments and every single one of them was important.
Will Trent have us a darker episode even as we got a lot of Betty moments
At one point, we have Will actually seeking comfort from Betty as he desperately tries to find this missing child that he spotted at the park. And when they finally rescue her, we get another adorable Betty moment in the hospital. And this moment even includes a stuffed animal version of Betty.
This was a Betty heavy episode and we loved every second of it. We had special guest stars, a lot of Betty and a case that other people might have missed, but because of how good of a detective Will is, he noticed the small details.
This is the kind of episode of Will Trent we love to see. Not only did we have an interesting case to solve, but we had multiple storylines that were interesting. And of course we had a lot of Betty. But the thing about those Betty moments is that each one added to the story or worked within the storyline. It wasn’t just the addition of Betty in order to have her in a scene, it all made sense. And that’s what we love to see. We love how this series is able to include the little details without them being pointless.