Why we need a Bluey line from Loungefly in 2024

Oh biscuits! When are we getting a Bluey line from Loungefly?
Bluey Season 3 Image. Image Credit to Disney/Disney+.
Bluey Season 3 Image. Image Credit to Disney/Disney+.

If there's one show that has taken over the world right now, it's Bluey. Originally airing in Australia, Bluey has gone global.

Due to everyone's love for Bluey, there's one thing that hasn't happened. Frankly, it's surprising that Loungefly hasn't yet introduced a line of products featuring the Heeler family.

Regardless, that's not to say Loungefly won't do it in the future or already has something in the works which can be tough. Given that Bluey is Australian, it might be wrapped up in licensing or something in the legal departments.

Given how popular and beloved the series is, there's no way this idea hasn't already been talked about by the higher-ups or those who have a seat at the Loungefly table.

What kind of Bluey designs could Loungefly create?

Let me start by saying that Loungefly pulls off some amazing things with its different products and truly knows what they're doing. With that being said, I think the brand could do a mini backpack for each character, similar to how they do their Stitch mini backpacks. I don't know about you, but I think that would just be adorable.

In addition, they could also make some smaller bags featuring minor characters and even, some of the items that play a huge role in Bluey. Whether it's the magic xylophone from Season 1, something from Hammerbarn, or even, something from a random episode, Bluey fans would eat up a Loungefly collection.

Loungefly could even take it a step further and feature these items in its pet line. Not only will you be decked out in Bluey but so will your favorite pup. Honestly, the sky is the limit when it comes to Bluey merch because the show is so beloved that people are always wanting more. We can only hope that Loungefly sees that there is a demand and decides to make a collection of Bluey items.

Do you think Loungefly will release a Bluey collection? If so, what items would you like to see?