The Josh Hutcherson: Puppy Interview is almost too cute

Don't miss the latest Puppy Interview featuring Josh Hutcherson.
BuzzFeed Puppy Interview: Josh Hutcherson LIVE. Image Credit to Buzzfeed Celeb.
BuzzFeed Puppy Interview: Josh Hutcherson LIVE. Image Credit to Buzzfeed Celeb.

If there's one thing the world can't get enough of, it's puppies and Josh Hutcherson. Ever since his resurgence from Five Nights at Freddy's, we can't stop talking about him.

I don't know about you, but I've been a Josh Hutcherson lover for years. I mean a lot of fans will remember him as Peeta in The Hunger Games films or from his roles in Bridge to Terabithia, RV, or the Journey movies.

Honestly, I've been waiting for Hollywood to give Josh Hutcherson some love and now it's happening including Hutcherson finally doing a Puppy Interview. These are always cute but watching him do one is even cuter.

It's clear from the start of the video that Josh Hutcherson is a dog lover and he even mentions his dogs within the first few minutes of the video which is featured below.

Don't miss the Josh Hutcherson: Puppy Interview!

One of my favorite questions is when Hutcherson was asked what kind of movie he'd like to do with Jennifer Lawrence next. His answer was short and sweet: "Dog movie." I don't know about you, but sign me the heck up. Considering how adorable the interview was, there's no way he wouldn't do an amazing job at a dog movie.

While Josh Hutcherson does a great job answering his questions and having fun, the pups are really the star of the show. They're so fluffy and adorable that you can't help but want to keep watching. He even has a toy at one point which the dogs don't really seem interested in. Either way, this was a really fun one to watch.

No doubt it was incredibly fun for the BuzzFeed crew to film as well. If you're feeling down or just need something to perk you up, then you need to watch the entire Josh Hutcherson: Puppy Interview. It's cute, it's funny and perfect for those wanting a dose of adorableness in their lives.