When it comes to beloved TV series, no one holds a candle to Peppa Pig. The show has been going strong for 20 years and Peppa is making we know it with her "Roar."
Even though she's a pig, Peppa apparently can roar. No, we're not talking about a lion roar but rather, "Roar" of the Katy Perry variety. Peppa decided to release her very own cover of the beloved Katy Perry tune.
As this is Peppa's first cover song, she chose an incredibly difficult song but one that no doubt a lot of viewers love. In addition, this is perfect as Katy Perry recently provided the voice of Ms. Leopard for a 3-episode stint.
It's clear both Katy Perry and Peppa are fans of each other so there was no way we weren't going to talk about how awesome this collab is.
Peppa Pig channels her inner Katy Perry with a cover of "Roar."
Thankfully, the music video for this fun cover is already out and we're going to feature it below so no matter which artist you prefer, you can enjoy a fun video featuring Peppa, her family and friends to celebrate 20 years of the show.
In the music video featured above, you can see tons of different clips from Peppa Pig, a look back at some of the best characters on Peppa, and even, some animal friends. All in all, this is such a fun idea and one that I'm surprised the series hasn't done in the past. However, it's awesome to see the show doing it now.
Regardless if you're a Peppa Pig fan or not, there is no denying how fun this cover is. Coupled with Katy Perry's recent guest appearance, this couldn't come at a more perfect time. If anything, it shows not only the impact of Peppa Pig but of Katy Perry.
What do you think of Peppa Pig covering Katy Perry's "Roar?" Let us know!