How often should dog kennels be cleaned?

Sterilization and shelters are key to tackling stray animals in Italy
Sterilization and shelters are key to tackling stray animals in Italy | Anadolu/GettyImages

As a dog owner, you must prioritize your faithful companion's health, well-being and joy. Perhaps they have free roam of the house by day and a comfortable crate to keep them safe and contained at night. As such, you might ask, why is it important to clean dog kennels, especially if they're not in there often? However, your dog's crate can quickly become a cesspool of harmful bacteria and viruses if you don't tend to it regularly.

New Research Shows a Generational Prioritization of Pet Care

A survey by CouponBirds found millennials spend $1,712 annually on their dogs and cats. Gen Z's annual pet expenses are close behind at $1,602. Typically, most money spent on dogs is for vaccinations and grooming.

The survey also revealed how millennial and Gen Z pet owners invest in their furry friends' happiness and comfort, with 45% and 46% of millennials and Gen Z, respectively, paying for their pets' needs before their own. Of course, a happy dog gets to live in a clean and healthy environment where it isn't susceptible to illness.

Why Is it Important to Clean Dog Kennels?

Kennel maintenance is a cornerstone of pet care. You might not realize, but it's important to clean dog kennels regularly to keep your furry friends healthy and safe. Here are four reasons to get scrubbing.

1. Prevent disease

A dirty kennel puts your pup at risk of viral and bacterial exposure. The risk is even greater if you have more than one dog sharing a crate.

For instance, kennel cough is highly contagious and passed between multiple dogs through licking or nuzzling their noses. It's also transmissive when they breathe in infected droplets when sneezing or coughing. Most dogs recover in seven to 10 days, but you'll want to thoroughly clean their crate, toys and bowls before allowing them access again.

Parvo is another disease affecting puppies between six and 20 weeks old, but it can also occur in older canines. The virus can be found anywhere, but it's often contracted in kennels and animal shelters where multiple dogs may use a crate.

2. Remove foul odors

After a while, a kennel may begin to smell, especially if you're crate-training a puppy who isn't housebroken. Regular cleaning will remove foul odors emanating from the cage and keep your house smelling fresh. Remember to clean blankets and bedding inside, too. 

If the odor remains, vacuum or place odor absorbents near the crate. An air purifier can also help remove smelly pet dander from the air.

3. Eliminate pests

A dirty kennel is an ideal environment for fleas, ticks and mites. Your dog may also carry these critters in after playing outdoors. This could lead to a pest infestation indoors, putting your household and your pup's health at risk.

How can you tell if there are fleas in the kennel? Look for dark red spots in the crate and dog bed. Your pup will also bite and scratch themselves, become red and inflamed or begin to lose their fur.

4. Reduce skin infections and respiratory problems

Like humans, dogs accumulate hair, dander and skin cells throughout their kennel and bedding. The buildup can lead to breathing problems, including asthma and allergies. Likewise, a dirty kennel with dander may irritate your dog's skin, causing them to itch and scratch themselves relentlessly.

What Disinfectant Do Dog Kennels Use?

Dog owners must carefully choose the most effective but safest disinfectant for their pets. For instance, a 7% stabilized hydrogen peroxide eliminates most infectious organisms and is considered an eco-friendly preference in deep cleaning. Some animal shelters and veterinarian offices use this disinfectant in dog kennels. However, if you’re not careful, even a low concentration can be highly toxic to pets.

Instead, you can make a cleaning solution using everyday household products like white distilled vinegar, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which kills bacteria and mold, while lemon and baking soda absorb foul odors.

How Frequently Should You Wash a Dog Kennel?

There isn't a set rule for how frequently you should clean a dog kennel. Ultimately, it depends on how active your dog is, its overall health and whether it spends most of its time outside.

A monthly scrubbing should be sufficient. However, you should do it more often if your dog shows signs of illness or irritation. Additionally, it's important to clean dog kennels every time puppies have accidents. Be sure to wash all blankets, bedding and toys with gentle cleaners to increase their safety and well-being.

A Clean Kennel Keeps Your Pup Healthy and Happy

Keeping your dog's kennel clean and free of harmful organisms is the surest way to protect it from disease. It's also standard pet care. If you are more than willing to spend money on your dog's health and well-being, you should be just as willing to stick to a regular crate-cleaning schedule.