Can dogs eat green bean casserole for Thanksgiving dinner?

If you're a pet parent, you might be wondering if your pup can eat green bean casserole.
93rd Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
93rd Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade | Ira L. Black - Corbis/GettyImages

With the holidays fast approaching, most of us are prepping for a big Thanksgiving meal, and our pups are right there with us.

When it comes to giving your dog some of your Thanksgiving leftovers, there are a lot of foods they can have and others that should be avoided. One Thanksgiving staple in most households is green bean casserole.

Whether you're the one preparing the green bean casserole or your favorite relative is bringing it over, you're probably going to have some leftovers. Due to that, you might think about putting some on a plate for your pup to enjoy.

However, according to the American Kennel Club, you should avoid giving your dog any casserole due to the other ingredients added there. Usually, it ends up being either potentially toxic or overall, bad for your dog's health.

American Kennel Club has a great green bean alternative for dogs

While it's not good to feed your dogs green bean casserole, the American Kennel Club shared that it's fine to just feed them green beans. The only thing to note is that they should be served plain without any seasonings such as salt or pepper, and even butter isn't to be used. Having a special portion set aside for your pup is sure to make them thankful this year.

Honestly, this wouldn't take any more prep work out of what you're already doing and your pup will still be able to enjoy their own Thanksgiving feast. In addition to green beans, the AKC also shared that peas are another good option for your dog this year. Of course, both of these should be served in moderation.

As long as you don't go overboard and load your pup's plate, a small helping of green beans and peas will be the perfect addition to their Thanksgiving plate.