5 Dog breeds you may not have known that have blue tongues

Annual Westminster Dog Show Takes Place In New York City
Annual Westminster Dog Show Takes Place In New York City | Drew Angerer/GettyImages

There are a lot of dog breeds in the world. And some are more familiar than others. However, there are some dogs that are known for specific attributes and features. In terms of the iconic blue tongue, the Chow Chow is at the top of the list when we think of dogs with this particular color of tongue.

However, did you know that there are other dog breeds that also have this gorgeous blue tongue (that almost looks purple)? In fact, we know of at least 18 different dog breeds that either have a fully blue tongue, or they have tongues with blue spots on them. That being said, we wanted to focus on just five of these breeds.

Specifically, we looked for the breeds of dog that are more likely to have fully blue tongues, although our fifth breed leans more towards spots. And no, we are not including the Chow Chow, since that’s a given.

5 breeds of dog that have a blue tongue

Dockers Shar-Pei Contest
Dockers Shar-Pei Contest | Getty Images/GettyImages

The Chinese Shar-Pei

When it comes to the Shar-pei, it is actually a standard of the breed that they have this blue tongue. In fact, by AKC standards if your Shar-pei has spots or any showings of pink, they are disqualified from dog shows.

The Eurasier

If you have never heard of this particular dog breed, you are not alone. This is actually a breed that is on its way to being recognized with the AKC. Currently, it is part of the Foundation Stock Program. That is because technically this is a mixed breed dog that is a mix of Chow Chow and Wolfspitz with Samoyed having been bred into the mix.

Thai Ridgeback

Another breed working towards AKC recognition, this pup is also part of the Foundation Stock Program, however, I will say this is a breed that we have heard of before. And although we do not know the combination that formed this breed, we will say that their defining characteristic is a fully blue tongue, although some have more of a spotted blue.

The Akita

A close relation to some of the other dogs on this list, including the Shar-Pei, the Akita is known for at least have purple spots on their tongues, although they can be seen with nearly a fully blue tongue at times. And the AKC does not fault an Akita if it doesn’t have a fully blue tongue.