So many video game lovers out there will have almost nothing negative to say about Red Dead Redemption 2. When asked over time, many people stated something that the game was lacking that other similar games did have to offer: the ability to walk around with a Dog Companion.
With the game’s latest mod, now players are able to do just that!
Here’s all about Red Dead Redemption 2 and their Dog Companion addition!

Here’s how the Gaming Bible perfectly describes Red Dead Redemption 2 in a nutshell:
"“It’s the perfect Wild West simulator, allowing you to hunt, camp, rob, and survive however you see fit”."
Of course, if you’ve played the game or are at least somewhat familiar with it, you’ll know that there are already tons of dogs within the game; you’re able to pet them and play with them, but up until now, you were never able to take them back to your camp with you to keep you company on all of those lonely wild wild west nights.
Thanks to the game’s latest mod, that critical mistake to all dog lovers out there has since been fixed! Here is what the Gaming Bible had to say about RDR2’s latest mod out there:
"“The Dog Companion mod is available right now via NexusMods, and it does what it says on the tin: You can choose your own faithful pooch and explore with them till you can explore no more. All you need to do after having installed the mod is walk up to a dog you like the look of (ie, all of them)and choose the new “bonding” option. Once you’ve done that, they’ll follow you around wherever you go. Bad news for the farmer whose dog you’ve just pinched, but great news for you. Anyway, you’re an outlaw. Take what you want and live free – that includes dogs”."
Once you choose your faithful pooch, they will be following you everywhere. You can give them various commands, such as sit and stay. When your pup’s are in a certain range, you can also call them back to you if they’ve gotten away. Given that they are a man’s (or woman’s) best friend, they can also now help you in combat, as well as helping you hunt along the way.
The original release date of Red Dead Redemption 2 was back on October 26th, 2018. It is available to play on Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
If you’re a dog lover, then definitely check out Red Dead Redemption and their latest Dog Companion mod feature! Have you played this game, if so, which dog did you choose and what did you name him or her? Let’s chat all things Video Games and Dogs down in the comments below!