Most of us may know Patrick Dempsey as playing McDreamy on the hit medical drama, Grey’s Anatomy. However, recently he’s just proven that he’s more than a super hot doctor; he’s also a super hot Dog Dad too!
Celebrities post all sorts of different photos of their pets all the time. Most of the time, they’re dressed up in some ridiculous costume, but that’s not the case with Mr. Patrick Dempsey! He’s just simply showing off his pup whom he’s super proud of and what they do on a day-to-day basis together, including their morning routine!
Here’s Patrick Dempsey, the super hot Dog Dad!

Dempsey took to Instagram to show his Monday morning routine with his super adorable French Bulldog named Horton. Horton was riding along on their morning walk in a cute little doggie stroller sort of thing, and boy did he look like he was living the life! All I can say is that if I were a dog, I’d certainly wanna be riding along on my morning walks in one of those!
He captioned the photo “Monday’s commute” to which fans were super excited because that was the start of him bringing back his photo series where he would post a brand new photo of his pet each week with the word ‘Monday’ in it.
On top of him showing off his brand new Monday pet photo, fans were also super excited to see that Dempsey’s former Grey’s Anatomy co-star, Ellen Pompeo, commented “He’s a good boy”. Of course that had some fans screaming on the inside, while some even commented on this photo that the combo of him posting it and her commenting, that it made their day.
See the Puppy Monday comeback post that we’re talking about over on his Instagram!
Clearly, Patrick Dempsey is still McDreamy to many people out there, including myself. One thing’s for sure: we definitely need more Dog Dad content from him in the future! Cheers to next Monday!
What do you think of Patrick Dempsey being a super hot Dog Dad? If you’re a huge Grey’s Anatomy fan much like myself, then go ahead and comment your favorite McDreamy moment down in the comments below! Cheers to more Monday dog pictures from Dr. Dempsey himself!