Following the death of Kendra’s (the woman Owen is or was dating) husband (Brett), the Texas Rangers are on the case on the latest episode of 9-1-1 Lone Star. And while we are all curious to figure out what really happened to Kendra‘s husband, we are also pretty excited for the reappearance of Brady and also Buttercup. For those who don’t remember, Brady is Kendra‘s dog (or at least her husband’s dog).
While we met Brady in the last episode, the same episode where the husband died, the dog might just be the key to who actually killed the man. It looks like Brady may have actually been dosed with the same thing that helped lead to Brett’s death. And on top of getting to see Brady in more than one scene of this latest 9-1-1 Lone Star episode, we also got the reappearance of Buttercup, although it was definitely a blink and you’ll miss it moment.
Knowing that there is something wrong with Brady, it seems as if Owen and Kendra will need to take the pup to the veterinarian to try to figure out exactly what happened. Perhaps Brady will be the hero of the episode and help everyone figure out who killed Kendra’s husband.
9-1-1 Lone Star gave us dog moments thanks to both Brady and Buttercup
It turns out that the death was an accident (sort of) and not only that, but Brady was accidentally poisoned by chemicals that Brett used in his personal botany lab setup. In fact, it’s truly thanks to the dog getting sick that we were able to figure out what happened. And hopefully, the pup will be okay now that they know what got into his system.
Of course, we just love the fact that we got multiple dog moments in the episode as it feels like 9-1-1 Lone Star doesn’t give us enough scenes with their own resident dog—Buttercup! While we didn’t get another scene with either dog, we definitely found out a horrible truth about Brett and what led to his death.