If you have ever thought about using an Apple AirTag to trace your dog, think again. It’s not just Apple who thinks this is a bad idea, so do vets.
There are any number of reasons why an Apple AirTag is not the right choice for tracking your dog. Not the least of which is the fact that once your dog is no longer on the same network as you it becomes much harder to actually track them. In fact, it almost becomes pointless to have this AirTag on them.
According to Apple Insider, not only do you need to be on your home Network for it to be useful, but you would also need to be near them if they did run away. And unless you are right on your dog’s heels when they are escaping, that is not exactly helpful. In fact it completely negates the entire purpose of using something like this on your dog.
However, that is not the only reason not to use an Apple AirTag on your dog. And the other main reason has a lot to do with safety.
It is really not safe to use an Apple AirTag to track your dog
It’s not just Apple that is recommending not using the AirTag on your dog, it is also veterinarians. And the reason for that is the horror stories of dogs chewing on the AirTags. There are any number of stories of dogs swallowing them whole, needing surgery to have them removed, chewing up and swallowing little bits of the AirTag, and any other story that you can think of that would not only terrify a pet parent, but also worry a vet.
The last thing you want to do is unintentionally harm your dog when you were actually trying to protect them and keep them safe. And with stories abounding about dogs chewing and swallowing these little devices and then needing to vomit them up or actually having surgery to remove them, it is just safer to keep them away from our dogs. While companies might be promoting the use of these as a way to track your pup, we are going to listen to the real experts: Apple and our veterinarians.