When it comes to getting a dog, there are so many different factors that go into choosing the right one. Temperament, level of training required, shedding capabilities, size of your house, etc. The list could go on and on and we could really go all day here. Something that some people might be considering is what dog breeds are the most family-friendly!
Again, this list could go on for a while, but instead, let’s look at the top 13!
What are THE most family-friendly dog breeds? Read more to find out!
In no particular order, here are the Top 13 Most Family-Friendly Dog Breeds to consider, starting with the smaller little guys!
1. Cavachon

Average Life Span: 10 – 15 years
Average Weight/Size: 15 – 18 lbs.
I just had to start with Cavachons here. I had a Cavachon named Jack, and let me tell you, he was the best dog ever. He was so sweet with such a mild temperament and would protect us at no cost. He gave me the best 14 years of my whole entire life. Now, in general, Cavachons are pretty healthy. They’re good for families because they are willing to sit in anyone’s lap whenever they so please to do, and generally they’re also tolerant of noise and commotion, which is perfect for kids!
2. Beagle

Average Life Span: 10 – 15 years
Average Weight/Size: 20 – 25 lbs.
Do They Shed?: Moderately (can improve with regular brushing habits)
Beagles are happiest in the company of others, making them just the absolutely perfect family dog! Whether it’s curing up next to you on the couch, endless play sessions, or even long walks with their human, a Beagle will be with you through every step of the way in both of your lives. While they will make awesome family dogs, there is just one thing to keep in mind: they are sometimes difficult to train, so make sure to stay on top of that or ask for help from a pro trainer!
3. Miniature Poodle

Average Life Span: 10 – 18 years
Average Weight/Size: 10 – 15 lbs.
Do They Shed?: No to Minimally
Miniature Poodles are oh so fluffy and cute, which alone, is a super adorable reason to add this four-legged buddy into your family’s lives. They are super intelligent, loving & sensitive, and can have super adorably spunky personalities (as all dogs can, really, on their own). In addition, Mini Poodles would make a great family dog because they have such great temperaments. They’re actually one of the most popular dog breeds in the world (should be Cavachons, but I’m biased)!
4. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Average Life Span: 12 – 15 years
Average Weight/Size: 13 – 18 lbs.
Do They Shed?: Yes (but Manageable)
A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one of the most easiest to please pups out there and they sure will let you know it by wagging their tail. Since my Jack was half of this, I always said that it looked like he was going to wag his tail right off of his little wiggle-tush (yes, it was that cute). In addition, a CKC Spaniel would make a phenomenal family-friendly dog because they are super affectionate and could even make a great dog for a senior and/or a therapy dog as well!
5. Bichon Frise

Average Life Span: 14 – 15 years
Average Weight/Size: 10 – 18 lbs.
Do They Shed?: Nope
Bichons have an absolutely endless amount of love for their people and will never have a shortage or hard time showing it. They are highly trainable and able to adapt to their situations and environments easier than most, if not all, other pup breeds on this list, in fact. In addition, they tend to have very humorous personalities, which is so true because my furry buddy was half Bichon and boy was he goofy (and I freaking loved every moment of it)! What’s not to love?!