Is seaweed safe for dogs to eat?
When it comes to interesting treats and alternative ingredients, seaweed has actually gained an interesting following. But just because people can eat nori (which is another name for seaweed), that doesn’t mean that our dogs can.
In many cases, seaweed is being included in more and more recipes, which means that we have sheets of nori on hand. And if you have ever had a curious pup on your hands, they may have attempted to get their hands on some of that salty goodness.
Considering nori is often associated with salt, a product that our dogs shouldn’t be eating, you may be wondering whether or not this is safe for our pups to eat. Luckily, we have the answer.
Can dogs eat seaweed?
According to the American Kennel Club,
"In moderation, it is safe to share some types of seaweed with your dog. Dr. Jerry Klein, Chief Veterinary Officer for the AKC, explains “dogs can eat processed sheets of seaweed or nori, as long as it does not contain added salt or garlic.”If you want to share seaweed with your dog, make sure to read the ingredients list to make sure it doesn’t have added seasonings. You can share these prepackaged seaweed sheets and other edible nori with your pet."
So basically, the answer is yes, but it should be in moderation. And while they can enjoy this delicious treat with you, we do need to be mindful of what has been added to the nori in terms of seasoning.
And this makes perfect sense. As we have mentioned with other goodies that we snack on, it is all about making sure that the things we are feeding our pups do not contain added salts, pepper, onions, and garlic.
There are many reasons why we might want to add this to our dog’s diet, especially when you realize that it contains magnesium, iron, protein, Omega-3s and more, all things that are good for their health and ours.
So what do you think fellow dog lovers? Are you going to be adding some seaweed to your dog’s diet? Did you know that it was actually good for your pup? Let us know in the comments.