Let’s get back into some more super fun facts about dogs! Which ones have surprised you so far and which ones did you already know about?
9. Dogs vs. Humans taste-buds.
As we all know this already I’m totally sure of it, dogs just do most things better than any and all humans do when it comes to having all of our five senses all in line and in check! But taste buds too?! Come on, dogs! Give us humans at least one thing! No? Okay, fine. That’s cool too. You’re cute anyways, so it’s always so super hard to get mad at y’all about it all!
Anyways……us humans have anywhere between 2,000 and 10,000 taste buds within us. But as far as dogs go, they only have ruffly (see what I did there) about 1,700 taste buds within them. What does that mean? If you know, let us know down below for a quick little chat!
How does your dog use their sense of taste!? Is it different or more heightened than yours?!
10. Greyhounds vs. Cheetahs: who would win the race?
Unfortunately, the Cheetah would start out going much faster than a Greyhound dog.
However, when you actually look at the math and logistics of it all, Cheetahs can only run at a speed of about 70 mph and maintaining that for about 30 seconds. On the other hand, a Greyhound will run at a speed of about 35 mph, but can keep it up for much longer than a Cheetah can and would…about 7 miles total (whatever time that may be). So in the long run, the dog will prevail! Take that!
Have you ever owned or seen a Greyhound in person? Aren’t they just super beautiful dogs!
11. What dog’s sense of smell can be used in a court of law?
Say whaaaaat?! Yup, folks, you heard it here right loud and super clear! There is one particular dog breed out there whose sense of smell is that good that it can be used as evidence in a real life court of law.
The Bloodhound is the tried and true sense of smell winner over here! It’s sense of smell is so accurate that the results of it’s tracking may help any given criminal or civil court case! Rock on!
Do you have a Bloodhound as a pet? How good are they actually at smelling certain things!
12. The Miracle Dog: the smallest dog to ever be born…
Aww, how cute!
Born 11 years ago, the smallest dog to ever be recorded (surviving birth, that is, of course), according to the Guinness Book of World Records was named Miracle Milly. Double M stood at just 3.8 inches tall (omg what) and weighed in at roughly just over a pound.
Dogs are just so cute! What’s the smallest one that you’ve ever seen or owned?!