Dog Treats: Make your own breakfast bones for your dog

Baby, a Norwich Terrier the Indy Winter Classic All Breed Dog Show, held at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019.Indy Winter Classic All Breed Dog Show At The Indiana State Fairgrounds
Baby, a Norwich Terrier the Indy Winter Classic All Breed Dog Show, held at the Indiana State Fairgrounds on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2019.Indy Winter Classic All Breed Dog Show At The Indiana State Fairgrounds /

Are you looking for a tasty treat for your pup to kick start the day? Have you thought of making your own breakfast dog treats? We have a recipe we think you and your pup will love.

Thanks to the fine folks at the Be Chewy Blog, we have found the ultimate recipe for a breakfast inspired dog treat that our staff pup can’t resist. Specifically designed as a “Breakfast Bone” rather than your typical dog treats, this is perfect for pups on the go and dog owners looking to shake things up in the morning.

Designed to be healthy, wholesome, and filling, these breakfast bones are the perfect way to give your pup a pre-walk boost or help them get ready for the day in general. So what exactly goes into these Breakfast Bones? And why are we excited to make these again? (The answer is yes.)

How to make breakfast bones dog treats

With this recipe, you are able to make about 42 bones in a medium size (which is the recommended serving size for these treats). And while the original recipe shows a dog bone shape, you can truly use the cookie cutter of your choice (hearts, stars, even Santas).

So here’s what you need and what to do to whip up your very own breakfast dog treats.

What you need:

  • A small banana that is already fully ripened
  • 1/2 cup of either a sheep’s milk or a goat’s milk yogurt
  • 12 ounces of whole wheat flour
  • 1.5 ounces of fresh blueberries (we have swapped blueberries for strawberries at times)
  • 9 ounces of jumbo oats

What to do:

  1. Start by prepping your kitchen. This means preheating the oven to 350 degrees and lining a baking rack or sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl mash together your blueberries and bananas.
  3. Once your fruit is mashed, mix in your yogurt until it is all incorporated.
  4. Next, you will want to add in your dry ingredients – the oats and whole wheat flour
  5. Knead together your ingredients and if it feels too sticky, you can add in a bit of extra flour.
  6. Roll out the dough until it is about 3/16 inches thick and then use your cookie cutter to cut out your dog treats (you may need to reroll out the dough as you cut out each treat to get the most our of your dough).
  7. After cutting out your treats (approximately 42 depending on thickness of dough), place on the parchment lined sheets and then bake for between 30 and 40 minutes.
  8. Once the baked treat is golden brown, turn off the oven and leave the treats in the oven until they have cooled.

It’s a rather straightforward recipe and one that we have actually had great success with. That being said, we have switched out the fruit in the mix (not the banana, but rather the blueberries), sometimes opting for strawberries.

Our staff pup has certainly enjoyed these breakfast ready treats and we think your pup will too.

Next. Can dogs eat lemons?. dark

But what do you think of this recipe? Is this something you would make for your pup? We want to know.