Guiding Eyes celebrates Halloween 2021 with costume contest

Guiding Eyes guide dog in training Ernie dresses up for Halloween 2021. Photo provided by Guiding Eyes for the Blind.
Guiding Eyes guide dog in training Ernie dresses up for Halloween 2021. Photo provided by Guiding Eyes for the Blind.

Guiding Eyes for the Blind celebrated Halloween 2021 with a puppy costume contest, which is pretty doggone adorable.

While the puppies in training are learning how to become guide dogs as adults, they’re still adorable puppies, and so are extremely cute.

And it’s fun to dress up puppies for Halloween, too, so there’s that aspect as well.

Guiding Eyes is a nonprofit guide dog training organization headquartered about an hour north of New York City, and they train mostly Labrador Retrievers for a variety of service dog tasks.

Guiding Eyes Halloween costume contest is pawfect.

Eight dogs took part in the Guiding Eyes Halloween costume contest this year, and they all made strong contenders for top dog consideration. (Voting ended at midnight on Friday, October 29, though we aren’t sure who won yet.)

Black Lab Hazy dressed pup as a devilish doggo, which is very appropriate for the holiday theme, while yellow Lab ike went full Snoopy as the Red Baron, complete with hat, scarf and doghouse, which also works well with his name. (While the Air Force didn’t exist as its own entity when Eisenhower led the Army during World War II, it was under Army operation.)

Yellow Lab Chai made a very nice package of fettuccine pasta, complete with cooking instructions.

Black Lab Webster was a fuzzy creature of some kind (possibly a horse?), while his fellow black Lab Ernie dressed pup as the Sesame Street character of the same name, which is very clever.

Black Lab Peony was her namesake flower, which contrasted nicely with the pumpkin patch she took the photo in. Black Lab Rossi went with a very nice Bob Ross getup, complete with a landscape of a snowy mountain near a lake.

Finally, yellow Lab North was as kind of a cowboy/bucking bronco hybrid, complete with a jaunty hat, red paisley bandanna and rider in a saddle on his back.

Congratulations to all these Guiding Eyes Halloween costume contest finalists, and we hope you all have a safe and pleasant holiday.