Halloween is, of course, about the candy but it’s also about the costumes. Some people start planning their Halloween costumes in the summer just so they can make sure they have the perfect one every year. But what about your dogs? Don’t leave them out of the Halloween costume fun!
Luckily, you don’t have to extensively plan a costume for your pup! Fashion brand boohoo has you covered. Not only did they create Halloween costumes for us people, but they also created a matching outfit for your doggo. Let’s go through the options!
First up, Elle Woods

Going as everyone’s favorite blonde attorney for Halloween? Why not dress up your pup with a cute AF pink sweater! The knitted sweater for your dog is only $30 and the outfit for you is $20 for the blazer and $16 for the skirt. Add some pink heels and you have the perfect Elle Woods costume!
Perfect matching Halloween costumes for you and your dog
Next is all about the Dalmatians! 101 Dalmatians (don’t worry! No Cruella de Vil here!)

Not gonna lie, I kinda want a human version of this dog sweater. It’s incredibly cute and comes in at $32. The human onesie (which boohoo calls a catsuit!) makes for an easy costume and is only $40. Considering how much Halloween costumes can cost, this is a steal! Just add some dog ears and you’re set.
The next costume is very angelic. Even if your dog isn’t always a perfect little angel.

These black angel wings come in black and white so you can decide whether your dog is a good angel or an angel of the underworld! These are incredibly affordable at only $9.60. The human version is sadly sold out but you can probably find something to match.
The next costume includes something almost every dog loves: bones! The human version of the costume is a long, slouchy skeleton sweater dress that is incredibly cute! It’s currently $14.40. The dog costume is equally as cute and only $8. For pet outfits, you really can’t get any more affordable than this.

Finally, who needs Spider-Man when you can have Spider-Dog? The Spider-Dog outfit is just a sleeve that goes around your dog’s body and has eight spidery legs attached to the back. It’s only $9.60. For the human version, just dress up in all black and then get creative, head to the craft store, and make your spider legs yourself!

Now that you have some costume ideas, make sure you have enough candy for you and plenty of dog treats for your pup. Just because they can’t have candy doesn’t mean they have to miss out!
What do you plan to dress your dog up as for Halloween this year? Does it match your costume? Let us know in the comments below!