Grounds and Hounds Coffee St Patrick’s Day collection brings all the good luck

Grounds and Hounds Coffee St Patrick's Day collection. Photos provided by Grounds and Hounds.
Grounds and Hounds Coffee St Patrick's Day collection. Photos provided by Grounds and Hounds.

The Grounds and Hounds Coffee St Patrick’s Day collection is a fantastic way to celebrate all the good luck that our puppers bring to our lives.

The obvious way for humans to do this, of course, is by drinking a cup of their Good Boy blend, which is a dark roast that sells for $14.99 for a 12-ounce bag (whole or ground beans options available).

The Good Boy blend has elements of baker’s chocolate, brown sugar, buttercream and molasses, which could work well when made as basic drip coffee, a cold brew or a French press.

Their Good Luck collection includes clothing items, T-shirts and stickers, all of which are pretty sweet. There is a metal coffee can for $29.99, and stickers that say “Rub Bellies for Good Luck” and “Rescue Pups for Good Luck” ($3.99 and $4.99 each). Both stickers feature Molly the liver Dalmatian, who inspired the company.

The Grounds and Hounds Coffee St Patrick’s Day collection has us green with envy.

There are also shirts, a Rub Bellies T-shirt in gray for $24.99 and a sweatshirt version for $38.99, both available in sizes from Adult Small to 2XL. There are green versions of the Rescue Pups shirts as well in the same sizes and price points.

And since mugs are great to collect, there are also Rescue Pups and Rub Bellies mugs, the Rescue Pups in green and the Rub Bellies in white, both holding around 14 ounces and selling for $13.99.

Grounds and Hounds Coffee also partners with Rescue Roast intiative each month, donating the proceeds from that blend to various animal rescue organizations.

Since their founding, Grounds and Hounds Coffee has helped over 2,250 dogs receive their vaccines, paid for 600 spay/neuter surgeries, and 2,625 pups saved from being put to sleep as they were transferred to no-kill organizations.

2021 St Patrick’s Day will be March 17, as it is every year, and that day will fall on a Wednesday this year, the day before the 2021 NCAA Tournament tips off.

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