Hank the Cowdog podcast episode 2 review

Hank the Cowdog. Image Courtesy QCode
Hank the Cowdog. Image Courtesy QCode

Hank the Cowdog podcast episode 2 did well at continuing the story set up in the first episode as Lost in the Dark Unchanted Woods further developed.

Starring Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club, Tropic Thunder, We Are Marshall) in the title role of a small-town sheriff of a houndish heritage, Jesse Plemons (Friday Night Lights, Fargo)  as cowardly deputy Drover, the first episode set up the world of Hank’s ranch somewhere in West Texas (possibly located in the Panhandle), where they guard their little boy and the cattle and premises in general.

A new wrinkle was added to their lives, though, with a new human baby that Loper and Sally May (Kirsten Dunst) brought home.

Meanwhile, Sinister the Bobcat was spotted lurking in the woods nearby, and Pete the Barncat (Sally May’s favorite) was his usual mischievous self.

Hank the Cowdog podcast episode 2 furthers the conflict nicely.


Little Alfred is not exactly a fan of the new baby, either, so he decides to give Pete a bath in the overflow pool of the septic tank. That goes about as well as it sounds; Sally May gets onto him and Hank, and so the little boy decides to run off into the woods near the creek.

Little Alfred is about 4, so he figured that his mom didn’t like him any longer, so he would run away. Hank and Drover try to tell him that’s a bad idea, but since dogs can’t speak English, he does anyway.

So being good guard dogs as the Head of Ranch Security and Deputy Head of Ranch Security, Hank and Drover decide to go after him to protect from Sinister.

What we thought

Drover again steals the show, though Hank does actually have good advice in the midst of all his pompous moralizing. With the main setting introduced in the previous episode, Hank the Cowdog podcast episode 2 could focus on furthering the storyline and moving the characters into the right places for the next part of the action.

Like in the novels, mundane happenings like a conversation over lunch can take on immense weight and grandeur, and then you stop and think about it afterwards and realize not much action actually furthered the tale forward, though the telling was so pleasant that it was well worth the time spent.

As a Lone Star State production through and through, the Hank the Cowdog podcast is presented by the grocery store chain H-E-B, and executive produced by McConaughey. It is a Tri-State Pictures, HTC Productions and QCODE Productions project, written and directed by Jeff Nichols and based on the books by John R Erickson, released on a weekly basis on Spotify and other platforms from September-October 2020.

What did you think of the Hank the Cowdog podcast episode 2?