Our faith in humanity went up a few points after learning about a kind garbage truck driver who rescued an abandoned puppy. Someone get this guy a medal!
Who would ever want to harm a puppy? There are so many options for those who no longer want to keep a pet. You can give the puppy up for adoption or find someone who will take the time out of their day to locate a rescue for the little guy.
But the option you should never consider is abandoning said pup! Unfortunately, this is what was done to a puppy just outside of Cincinnati.
According to People, Aaron Kinsel, a truck driver who works for Rumpke Waste & Recycling was working his route earlier this week when he noticed a backpack on the side of the road that gave him an odd feeling.
Kinsel checked it out and found a 10-week-old boxer-mix puppy inside. Kinsel shares with the source that he feels he was meant to find her. Aww. The poor pup was dehydrated and with a broken leg, it breaks my heart! Kinsel took her to a local veterinarian, who broke even worse news to Kinsel.
Sadly, the vet suggested having the pup’s (who Kinsel named Tipper) leg amputated to avoid future health issues.
The abandoned puppy is now happy and healthy
There is a happy ending to this story, though! The waste management company Rumpke Waste & Recycling has stated they will pay for the puppy’s treatment, and Kinsel and his family decided to adopt her.
Tipper is currently undergoing treatment and on her way to making a full recovery. We love a happy ending! Tipper is lucky Kinsel was running that route and spotted the bag, but can we have an investigation on who abandoned the puppy in the first place? Dog O’ Day would love to have a word with this person.
UPDATE: Here is the latest on the Rumpke Waste & Recycling driver and the puppy he saved on Wednesday morning in Colerain Township just outside of Cincinnati https://t.co/rbR4lCdKHK pic.twitter.com/mbb7rzMAHn
— Rumpke Waste & Recycling (@RumpkeNews) January 28, 2021
If you or someone you know needs to find a pet a new home, learn about options and resources at the Humane Society HERE.