Picture Book Pups: For Every Dog An Angel reviewed

Children’s books are a vital but overlooked facet of canine literature, which is why we’re starting a special series reviewing picture books, beginning with “For Every Dog An Angel.”

For Every Dog An Angel is the first of our new series titled “Picture Book Pups,” which is very similar to our Dog-Eared Reads book reviews, just focusing on canine-related picture books.

For Every Dog An Angel was written and illustrated by Christine Davis, and was published in 1997 by Lighthearted Press of Portland, Oregon, which specializes in “in uplifting and heartfelt titles for those who are grieving a cherished animal companion,” according to their website.

That’s somewhat of the same niche that clothing company Skull Pup is aiming for, too.

The main idea is that each dog has a guardian angel specially assigned to help it learn how to be a help to his or her person as their forever dog, and discover the special skills that they excel at – which might be fast running, soulful singing or peaceful sleeping. The guardian angel is especially pleased when their charge gets chin scratches in just the right place.

Every time a beloved forever dog passes away (or “crosses over the Rainbow Bridge,” as some people like to say), they become an angel dog guiding your next pupper as they go through life, showing them the best places for burying bones and other Very Important Skills. Sometimes this includes visits as a ghost dog when their forever person is taking walks and feeling exceptionally lonesome.

This book raises lots of concepts that could spawn quite a bit of fiction, if readers felt creatively inclined, though it’s also very sappy and cheesy.

At 32 pages, it’s the kind of book you’d find in hospital gift shops and stationery stores.

The illustrations are done in either marker or watercolor, and feature mainly pastel coloring, which for the most part is pleasant and soothing to look at. Heaven is drawn as very purple and sky blue.

For Every Dog An Angel has a very niche audience it’s written to, but if a reader belongs to that target demographic, it’s a pleasant diversion worth flipping through. It is available on Amazon and Thriftbooks, should you wish to purchase it.