There are a lot of movies out there featuring dogs. But, when it comes to animated dog movies, there are some that are simply the best.
Whether they make us laugh or cry, there are any number of animated dog movies out there that stay with us long after we have reached the end of the story. Often times, when we fall in love with a movie, we can’t help but rewatch it over and over again.
With these 10 animated dog movies, we are talking about the kind of films that are almost comfort watches. Even if they make us cry, we can’t resist watching these adorable pups on our screens. In general, we love dogs in movies and especially when they happen to be the heart of an animated film.
From classics like All Dogs Go to Heaven and The Fox and the Hound to more recent films like The Secret Life of Pets and Bolt, there are a lot of must watch animated dog movies out there. And while I won’t rank these movies because it would be way too hard, these are 10 of my absolute favorites that I think have to be on any dog lovers watch list. However, I will say that not all of these stories focus exclusively around the dog or dogs we fall in love with, but rather in some cases they help give the stories their heart.
So, if you haven’t seen any or all of these animated dog movies, it is time to change that and add these to your must watch list.